基于Nano LC-MS/MS的水稻多肽组学研究

孙婷婷, 张乐乐, 王倩, 李纯, 程备久, 张欣*
安徽农业大学生命科学学院, 合肥230036

通信作者:张;E-mail: xinzhang@ahau.edu.cn;Tel: 0551-65786021

摘 要:

植物活性多肽在植物的生长发育及抗病抗虫过程中发挥了重要的作用, 然而目前对于植物多肽组的系统性研究尚不多见。本研究采用尿素法提取水稻中的多肽组, 通过一系列的提取和纯化过程获得多肽, 再利用Nano LC-MS/MS对这些多肽进行结构测定, 得到的质谱数据利用Maxquant软件进行解析,通过NCBI和UniProtKB数据库进行搜索比对。我们在水稻叶片和根部共鉴别出约110个多肽, 通过对多肽的分析发现, 这些多肽多分布在生命活动活跃的地方, 表明这些多肽参与了水稻重要的生理活动。

关键词:植物多肽; 多肽组; 提取; 质谱

收稿:2015-01-03   修定:2015-05-28


Rice Peptidomics Based on Nano LC-MS/MS Analysis

SUN Ting-Ting, ZHANG Le-Le, WANG Qian, LI Chun, CHENG Bei-Jiu, ZHANG Xin*
School of Life Sciences, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China

Corresponding author: ZHANG Xin; E-mail: xinzhang@ahau.edu.cn; Tel: 0551-65786021


Bioactive plant peptides play important roles in plant growth, development and insect resistance. However, the systematic research on the plant peptidomics is still rare. In the present study, the exploration of extracting and detection of natural plant peptides in rice were performed. The plant peptides were extracted by urea and detected using Nano LC-MS/MS instrument. The data were analyzed by Maxquant, NCBI and Uni-ProtKB. About 110 peptides were identified in rice leaves and roots, and they distributed in many active sites in cells. The results indicated that these peptides might be involved in important physiological activities of rice.

Key words: plant peptides; peptidomics; extract; mass spectrum

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